AVDC (Dental)
Online Pharmacy
Dental disease is incredibly common in dogs and cats. Regular dental cleanings under general anesthesia above and below the gumline can help prevent a lot of pain and issues later in life. Tartar build-up, gingivitis, and periodontal disease can lead to infection in the mouth and spread to vital organs (heart, liver, and kidneys) which can decrease quality and quantity of your pet’s life. All dental procedures are performed under general anesthesia to allow for a comprehensive oral exam, dental X-rays, and thorough scaling & polishing of all aspects of the teeth. Follow the link below to read more about dental health from the American Veterinary Dental College.
Our state-of-the-art dental suite is equipped for taking dental X-rays, scaling and polishing your pet’s teeth, and providing extractions and any other care when necessary. This will make the kisses and licks much more pleasant.